Flight Centre

The Challenge

We were briefed by Flight Centre to create a big and bold stunt that promoted the Captain’s Pack. This product is an add-on to any travel that provides peace of mind and added protection.

The Execution

We created a 4m tall backpack and suspended it from a crane in some of Australia’s most high traffic locations and created a paper airplane competition, with the winners each taking home a $20,000 holiday.

The Outcome

The results were outstanding, with 40,000 interactions, 3,185 email sign-ups, and 12,825 QR scans. Post-event, the campaign not only showcased the product but also created emotional connections, with participants expressing their dream destinations on paper airplanes. This universal appeal of the paper plane competition across demographics solidified Flight Centre as the go-to for turning adventurous dreams into reality, marking the campaign as a resounding success.

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