1st Party Data Collection

Is the first-party data we collect more powerful?

Audience Targeting

With the death of the third-party cookie and Facebook’s iOs updates, first party data is more important than ever to target your audience effectively


Activations not only create an opportune moment to connect with your target audience face-to-face but to also acquire valuable first-party data


We feel it is important to test this acquired data as an activation audience against other segments in your email database, to see whether a positive in-person brand experience improves digital online engagement

Build traditional awareness - non traditionally


Connect with your customer with a memorable moment and create newsworthy activation that earn attention.



Turn a small-scale guerrilla or large ambient activation into a content led campaign


Scale and amplify content through digital paid media to deliver impactful reach that engages your target audience.


Digital trackable media will drive tangible and real business results, which will create a measurable ROI.

Collecting Powerful First Party Data allows us to reconnect with paid media.

It also allows us to find similar users through lookalike targeting.

We can collect

  • Name
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Post Code
  • Date of Birth

Utitilising Data

Examples of how we test our collected data include:

  • Testing the activation email segment against other email segments for engagement with paid media.
  • Building lookalike audiences (1-3%) based off of email segment to reach new audiences across Google/Facebook.
  • Using activation lookalike audience to pre-promote any of your brand’s events or activations.

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